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KZ Trend

Korea Zinc shares the brand values and future vision of the company

Three innovation trends that will play central roles in 2022


Three innovation trends
that will play central roles in 2022


The new year 2022 has dawned. What will this year be? In a world that changes day by day, we always live with anxiety. If you can get a glimpse of how trends are changing, you can be relieved, right? Moreover, if it is the fact that “innovation” is the core value that has made Korea Zinc what it is today.
01 Trend

Good life Routine
(Routinize Yourself)

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, social activities are reduced and more time is spent at home. Under this circumstance, a new human race was born who tried to lead their own lives in a healthy and independent way. It’s good life Routine!

Business dinner at the company decreased, working from home became more common, and various face-to-face schedules were canceled, giving people time to themselves. Now, it is completely up to you how to take this time. People who used to spend their time ‘making]beaten coffee’ or ‘watching Netflix’ now want to live a more fulfilling and upright life. People signed up for Pilates for lunch, installed a running app on their smartphone, and started taking online classes.

As social media became popular, there is movement to record and share their own healthy routine. By capturing and posting the distance run per day, or by uploading a photo of a vegetarian diet. A movement like this can be a stimulus for someone and motivate others. How about making your own small but healthy routine?
02 Trend

Value of Narrative
(Tell Me Your Narrative)

Have you ever heard of PDR (Price Dream Ratio)? This is a coined word to describe Tesla’s high stock price. It means that the value of a company is evaluated not only through its immediate sales performance, but also through its future dreams, its blueprint.

Like this, consumers and investors respond to the narrative the company tells. It is to be interested in the ‘dream’ of the company. People see what value the company can provide in the future, whether it can approach them in a friendly way, and whether they have their own unique view of the world. Korea Zinc is also making its own story by actively jumping into the future-leading rechargeable battery business and eco-friendly energy business. Korea Zinc wants to firmly maintain the position as a global general metal company through continuous technology development and investment. Aren’t you curious about the story Korea Zinc will tell the world in the future?
03 Trend

Rustic Life
(Escaping the
Concrete Jungle ‘Rustic Life’)

Are there any Korean zinc people leaving for nature this weekend? These days, camping, car camping, spacing out, and rooftop glamping are all the rage. As the COVID-19 situation prolongs, people who are tired of living in the city are leaving. Escape from the bleak city and relax in nature on the weekend. In these days when meeting people is burdensome due to social distancing policy, how about meeting with water, wind and birds in nature?

Even before the Covid-19 crisis, returning to the farm, returning to the village, and living in the countryside for a month were in full swing. However, as the government’s social distancing policy has been prolonged and it is difficult to meet people indoors, the demand to spend leisurely time in nature has increased. As it is virtually impossible to travel abroad, this phenomenon will continue.

There is also the view that those who are exhausted in body and mind living in an era in which everything is uncertain go to nature to do nothing. It is said that the desire to independently find leisure in life led people to a rustic life. These days, there are also ‘digital detox’ accommodations that do not use any electronic devices at all, so let’s take some time to look around in nature. Wouldn’t Korea Zinc become a brighter place when we came back from a good rest?