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The present and future of the energy transition seen at the Davos Forum 2024

Inside WEF 2024

The present and future of

the energy transition seen

at the Davos Forum 2024

The present and

future of the energy

transition seen at the

Davos Forum 2024

※Image Source : World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum, founded by German economist Klaus Schwab in 1971, initially began as a gathering called the ‘European Management Forum’ and he invited business leaders from Europe when he was a professor at Harvard University. Over time, this gathering expanded into an annual event discussing global economic issues, and changed its name to the ‘World Economic Forum’ in 1987. It is mostly known as the ‘Davos Forum’, as it was held early every year in a small town called Davos, in the Alps region of Switzerland. Marking its 54th this year, it has grown into a UN non-governmental advisory organization, often called the ‘World Economic Olympics’ due to its authority and impact.

The Davos Forum 2024, held from January 15th to 19th, brought together more than 2,800 participants including the world’s 60 great leaders, entrepreneurs, political leaders, and academic leaders, along with Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft. Prime Minister of Korea Duck-soo Han and numerous business leaders from Korea actively interacted with global key figures, deliberating on major global concerns, and exploring directions for sustainable economic development.

WEF 2024

What is Davos Forum?

The World Economic Forum, an
International Organization for Public
-Private Cooperation of leading figures
from politics, economics, and academia
from around the world, is held in Davos,
Switzerland each January to address
urgent global issues.

4 Key

  • Achieving Security and
    Cooperation in a Fractured World
  • Creating Growth and Jobs
    for New Era
  • Artificial Intelligence as a Driving
    Force for the Economy and Society
  • A Long-Term Strategy for Climate,
    Nature and Energy

※Image Source : World Economic Forum

The theme for this year’s annual meeting was ‘Rebuilding Trust’, to get the world back on track and seek ways to coexist. ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Security Crises’ were at the forefront of discussions. ‘Rebuilding Trust’ was prioritized to resolve the complex crisis including escalating geopolitical tensions such as the prolonged Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Israel-Hamas war, climate chaos, and a faltering global economy.

According to the ‘The Global Risks Report 2024’, released in time for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, 66% of 1,490 global experts across various fields selected ‘Extreme Weather’ among 34 global risks as the most significant threat that put human life in crisis. Their prioritization of concern over extreme weather was influenced by last year’s hottest Northern Hemisphere summer in recorded history and the El Niño is expected to strengthen and persist this year, leading to more frequent extreme climate events such as heatwaves and cold waves.

The voices advocating for decarbonization became stronger at the forum, recalling that the global average temperature in 2023 was the warmest due to the acceleration of global warming. UN Secretary-General António Guterres, in a special address, remarked, “The whole world seems powerless to act against the climate crisis. As climate breakdown begins, countries remain hellbent on raising emissions.” His words once again raised awareness of each country’s lukewarm response to the climate crisis. Additionally, he emphasized the need for more proactive climate crisis solutions such as converting fossil-fuel subsidies into climate funds and expanding private sector investments in low-carbon technologies.

We surveyed 1,490 experts in each field

  • Environmental
  • Technological
  • Societal
  • Geopolitical
  • Economic
  • Environmental
  • Technological
  • Societal
  • Geopolitical
  • Economic
TOP 10
in 2024

weather events


misinfor –
mation &




Cost of living






supply chain for
critical goods
and resources


Escalation or
outbreak of
interstate ar –
med conflict(s)


Attacks on


supply chains
for food


*Source : World Economic Forum Global Risks
Perception Survey 2023-2024.

**Based on multiple responses, up to 5 selections**

Pending issues related to decarbonization and supply chain crises have also come up as crucial topics. Since improving energy efficiency in each industry is a solution that can satisfy energy equity, energy security, and climate crisis response, a collaborative synergy between global companies has become essential for the transition to clean energy from a mid-to long-term perspective.
At this time, the growth of advanced industries such as secondary batteries and semiconductors and the expansion of clean energy technology adoption is increasing the demand for critical minerals. Korea, with imports relying on about 95% of mineral demands, is facing heightened supply uncertainties. Moreover, the reshaping of supply chains due to the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of the U.S. is exerting significant influence. Thus, securing a stable supply chain is essential for ensuring Korea’s sustainable industrial competitiveness.
Yun B. Choi. executive chairman and CEO of Korea Zinc attended the Davos Forum for the first time and planned the company's future competitiveness to tighten the supply value chain of critical minerals, accelerating its growth as a global company. By actively participating in key energy sessions, chairman Choi was able to build networks with top global leaders and gain insights into each country’s movements in the energy transition, thereby exploring new business opportunities. Especially significant was the meeting with global companies in the battery materials and green hydrogen sectors, which are core businesses of Korea Zinc, to discuss cooperation methods.
During the ‘Unlocking Investment in Critical Minerals for the Energy Transition’ session, discussions revolved around how collaboration among various industries and stakeholders concerning government energy policies could support investment. Simultaneously, participants examined investment directions in mineral markets and explored methods for innovation to open up new opportunities. Additionally, he discussed the best approaches to adapt to future industries and assessed the company’s potential in critical mineral sectors for energy transition at the ‘Mining & Metals Governors Meeting’. Through this, comprehensive discussions took place, including identifying common priorities among nations for a sustainable future and ways to cooperate effectively.

▲Yun B. Choi. Executive Chairman and CEO of Korea Zinc attending the ‘Global Entrepreneur Meeting’ chaired by Prime Minister Duck-soo Han

Furthermore, both chairman Choi and Park Ki Deok, president of Korea Zinc participated in the ‘COP28 and the Road Ahead’ session to discuss ‘Climate Crisis’. Through this session, the consensus emerged that the international community should no longer stand by and ignore the accelerating global warming, but that companies must now actively devise strategies to achieve decarbonization. Chairman Choi shared his opinions on improving supply chain stability at the 'Entrepreneur Meeting-Conversation with prime minister Duck-soo Han for reshaping global supply chain.'
Korea Zinc stressed the need for cooperation between the government, the private sector, and even the global level to enhance the supply chain stability of critical minerals for secondary batteries at the ‘IEA Summit on Critical Minerals and Clean Energy’ in September. It also emphasized that the government should carefully evaluate where to focus support and investment through global policy accordingly to reduce the one-country dominance on critical minerals.
Apart from this, global leaders held meetings on various pending issues to consider countermeasures and avoid the side effects of global economic slowdown, the retreat of multilateral trade, the proliferation of false information, and digital divides.
Due to global inflation and simultaneous threats of war
As this is a time of global chaos
The world is now seeking a new order
and cooperative system.
Starting this year, Korea Zinc plans to
visit the Davos Forum every year.
Based on interactions with key figures
as well as executives of global companies
Leading the global market by staying ahead
of the trends in global economic changes
To strengthen our position as
a global business leader
Towards a sustainable future
By strengthening multifaceted cooperation
through unrivaled technological
competitiveness, We will continue to create
future-oriented solutions to solve the crisis.

※Image Source : World Economic Forum