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Safety & health

Korea Zinc is dedicated to fulfilling its social responsibility
by collaborating with partner companies to enhance safety and health.

Safety & Health

Safety Management Organization

With the Head of Onsan Refinery as the Chief Safety and Health Officer and the Safety Management Division as a dedicated safety and health organization, the company actively bolsters internal and external communication through the Safety Innovation Committee and the Occupational Safety and Health Committee. In particular, the Safety Management Division has been subdivided and categorized into the Safety Culture Team, Health Management Team, Fire and Disaster Prevention Team, and Prevention & Safety Team according to the characteristics of the tasks performed.

Since its launch in 2021, the Safety Innovation Committee has had internal and external experts look at safety and health achievements and desired improvements every month, set future directions, and confirm active improvement activities for Korea Zinc’s 44 mid- to long-term issues for safety and health promotion. At the Occupational Safety and Health Committee, labor and management gather together every quarter to share diverse information on safety and health, and create a safety culture of labor-management harmony based on constructive suggestions and their implementation. By establishing diverse preliminary communication channels between working-level staff through monthly labor management safety working council meetings, we actively create a more advanced and effective Occupational Safety and Health Committee. While the details of the discussions are shared with the Sustainability Management Committee on a quarterly basis, the committee is continuously expanding its role.

Three Safety Commandments

Operation of Safety and Health Management System

Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series
(Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series)

Onsan Refinery introduced and established a safety and health management system through the existing OHSAS18001 and KOSHA18001 certifications, and successfully converted it to ISO 45001, an international standard and KOSHA-MS, a domestic standard, in 2020 to provide more advanced domestic and foreign standards. Korea Zinc is operating a health and safety management system. Through this, the company aims to create a safety culture in which all employees participate and strengthen safety awareness and competency so that everyone is protected from safety and health risks and work in a pleasant environment while improving the quality of life.

Health and Safety Communication

Korea Zinc provides regular safety and health information to all employees, including business partners, and strengthens communication. Through the KZ Safety meeting, the company shares the monthly safety and health status, performance results and plans, and communicates the direction of future policies and activities.

Establishment of Safety Work Procedure, SWP

Korea Zinc has standardized a total of 14 safety work procedures for each work unit. This approach helps prevent safety accidents by ensuring that all workers have a clear understanding of essential details, including materials used, work tools, equipment information, work processes, safe work methods and procedures, risk factors, and risk assessments.

Korea Zinc is recognized for its competitiveness in safety and health management through systematic
safety and health practices.

As a global leader in the non-ferrous metal industry, the company prioritizes the safety and health of all individuals in its operations and implements the following safety and health activities.

Safety and Health Certification

ISO 45001:2018

In November 2017, Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. obtained OHSAS 18001 certification for all areas of its Onsan smelter. Following the announcement of international certification (ISO 45001), it incorporated safety and health system requirements and completed the transition to certification in October 2020. This effort ensures that all employees, including top management and stakeholders, participate in a safety and health management system that proactively prevents and manages risks that may arise at the workplace, thereby guaranteeing employee safety and promoting sustainable organizational growth.


In Dec. 2017, Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. acquired domestic certification for its safety and health management system (KOSHA 18001) for all areas of its Onsan smelter and transitioned to KOSHA-MS certification in Dec. 2020. All employees are committed to ensuring employee safety and promoting sustainable organizational growth by reflecting domestic legal frameworks and conditions in their efforts.