Korea Zinc values the environment,
win-win growth, and responsible corporate activities.
Korea Zinc’s Sustainable Management
The environment protection is the biggest challenge for Korea Zinc's business and an important issue that can become a competitive edge in the future. Korea Zinc's approach to responding to environmental issues is to increase process efficiency through technology and build a climate change response system. Korea Zinc is enhancing resource efficiency and minimizing pollutant and waste emissions by increasing process efficiency through advanced construction methods.
Establishment and implementation of
environmental policies Establishment of climate change response system
Resource Circulation
Korea Zinc’s Sustainable Management
Employees, partners, and local communities are the driving force behind Korea Zinc's competitiveness and innovation. In addition, the environmental and social demands of the local community for Korea Zinc are also in line with customer needs for safe and environmentally friendly products, which can be realized in a safe and convenient corporate environment. Accordingly, Korea Zinc is strengthening employee safety and health, human rights protection, and partner risk management.
Sharing and win-win management
Growing Together
Win-Win Agreement
Formation of a shared growth promotion organization
Establishment of 4 major action points
Korea Zinc’s Sustainable Management
Governance is a means of supporting transparent and rational corporate decision-making, and has
important implications for
Korea Zinc, which is moving forward as a leading global non-ferrous metals company.
Korea Zinc communicates with various
stakeholders including shareholders, customers, employees, business partners, and local communities
through professional
board composition, stakeholder surveys, internal ethics reporting, and community participation
activities, and strives to
improve governance transparency and efficiency. are doing
Advanced Corporate Governance
Transparency in Corporate Governance
Effective internal control
Korea Zinc advocates eco-friendly management as the core of this sustainable management, and is concentrating on minimizing pollutant emissions, improving the environment, evaluating the environment, and developing eco-friendly technologies.
In addition, beyond the goal of maximizing the profits of shareholders, we strive to communicate with and share the fruits of growth with various stakeholders who have contributed to creating a sustainable company.
Korea Zinc recognized the importance of corporate governance in line with the recent global rise of Sustainability.
Korea Zinc strives to make transparent not only the ownership relationship of the company's shares and the composition of the top management, but also the actual decision-making structure at the board of directors and the decision-making structure in each part of the company.
Korea Zinc strives for ethical management by forming fair and transparent relationships with stakeholders.
Korea Zinc complies with the stakeholder definition and identification method of ISO 26000, an international standard that regulates corporate social responsibility.
Korea Zinc established the code of ethics in 2003 and has been practicing it until now.
Korea Zinc is a company that aims for technological superiority as well as the management philosophy of 'a transparent and trusted company', as well as a company that is environmentally friendly, and contributes to customer satisfaction and human welfare.