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Korea Zinc shares the brand values and future vision of the company

Leadership for Carbon Zero


Leadership for Carbon Zero


One of the biggest management issues in recent years is responding to climate change. Of course, it sounds like a far-off story that continuous greenhouse gas emissions will accelerate global warming and cause a huge catastrophe for the planet and humanity. However, as efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions take a long time to produce results, it is imperative that all of the people start now.

Response to climate change, preemptive response is the right answer

Developed countries such as the United States and the European Union (EU) are already taking the lead and taking a preemptive response. In order to promote the response of other countries, global campaigns such as RE100 (100% of electricity consumption from renewables) to economic penalties such as a carbon border adjustment tax are being considered.

The problem is that the international pressure to respond to climate change will no longer retreat, and in the end, to survive in the changing environment, we have no choice but to preemptively respond to climate problems. Companies that prepare, develop, and change first will be able to lead a changing economic paradigm, and Korea Zinc is also preparing for this with strong conviction
Significance of Korea Zinc and SMC preemptive joining RE100

Korea Zinc is actively participating in RE100, which promises to convert the electricity used by globally influential companies to “100% renewable energy” in all work places. In 2020, SMC (Sun Metal Corporation), an Australian subsidiary, joined the RE100 for the first time in the zinc smelting industry, and in 2021, Korea Zinc also joined the RE100 for the first time in the domestic non-ferrous metal industry.

Greenhouse gas emissions

SCOPE01: 1,891,934 tCO2-eq/SCOPE02: 1,642,615tCO2-eq

Three Joining Criteria for RE 100

  • Make a public commitment to sourcing/or having already sourced 100% renewable electricity
  • Electricity for all business sites and offices around the world owned by a company must be procured from renewable energy sources.
  • Annually, the level of achievement of the target for using renewable energy should be reported to the RE100 committee.

Korea Zinc’s Efforts toward Zero Carbon Management

For this, Korea Zinc established Ark Energy in Australia in February this year and started a local wind power generation business. The plan to produce green hydrogen and export it to major countries in Northeast Asia as well as Korea is gradually moving into reality. Based on the experience of aggressive renewable energy business in Australia, Korea Zinc is planning to realize RE100 in various ways including electricity purchase contract (third-party Power Purchase Agreement, PPA) in Korea.
Korea Zinc also participated in the ‘Korea H2 Business Summit’ as a founding member to take the lead in promoting and expanding carbon-zero management in Korea. ‘Korea H2 Business Summit’ is a leading domestic community to build a domestic hydrogen ecosystem together.

Global Movement for Zero Carbon Leadership and Korea Zinc

Now, the world is paying attention to the growth potential of the hydrogen market and investing in it. For the size of the global hydrogen economy market in 2050, Deloitte, a global consulting firm, predicts $2.6 trillion and McKinsey $2.5 trillion, respectively. According to the ‘Hydrogen Insight Report’ recently published by the Hydrogen Council and McKinsey, there are currently 359 large-scale hydrogen-related projects around the world, and based on these projects, the global hydrogen business investment will reach $500 billion by 2030. The EU has set a policy to invest at least 180 billion euros in clean hydrogen production alone to increase the share of hydrogen in total energy from the current 2-3% to 14% by 2050.

Among the 15 domestic companies participating in the ‘Korea H2 Business Summit’, the total investment announced by companies that have disclosed specific investment plans by 2030 is also expected to exceed about 50 trillion won.

코리아 H2 비즈니스 서밋 멤버 사진
Korea Zinc, which is taking the lead in the summit for these activities, is going to lead the industry. Korea Zinc, which is already preparing for a hydrogen infrastructure project in Australia, has secured the basic and source technology to secure green hydrogen in the process of building an actual hydrogen economy. In addition, Korea Zinc will expand influences in the global market by collaborating with leading domestic companies participating in the Summit and enhancing competitiveness.