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Korea Zinc’s Social Contribution


Korea Zinc’s Social Contribution


What kind of efforts are being put into practice by Korea Zinc and its employees to create a happy society together? Korea Zinc does not neglect its responsibilities to society, and is constantly supporting and volunteering for neighbors in need. Let’s take a look at some examples.

Let’s take care of our neighbors!

Korea Zinc continues to support child welfare organizations such as Dongmyeong Children’s Welfare Center, Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation, and the Children’s Welfare Practice Group, Sewoom. Particularly, by sponsoring ‘Sewol’, the Child Welfare Practice Group, Korea Zinc strives to improve the human rights of prisoners’ children and provides financial help through scholarship support. The children’s welfare group, which is supported by Korea Zinc and its employees, said that it was a tough time, but thanks to Korea Zinc’s warm heart, the children are doing well.

“Korea Zinc has been with us for over 10 years. Thank you for always supporting children to grow in a healthier body and mind. We all hope that we can get through this tough time well, so that one day the children can have a noodle party like before and go bowling together.”

In addition, Korea Zinc supports living expenses and vocational education expenses to single mothers and their children who are having a hard time becoming self-reliant due to difficult circumstances through ‘Mulpure’, a home for single mothers. Staff expressed their warm appreciation.
“You don’t know how reassuring it is to have supporters who help us even in ‘Covid-19 Pandemic’, where the whole world is in crisis. Knowing that feeling, single mothers in our facility also fulfill their roles and proudly go out into society to raise their children. Staff will also do their best to help single mothers. I believe that our sponsors will always be with us in our hearts along the way.”
In order to improve the awareness of multicultural families that still remain somewhat negative, Korea Zinc continues to support the Bright Youth ‘Hudling Youth Chorus Festival’. The staff responded with deep gratitude to Korea Zinc.

“Korea Zinc’s continuous support is a great help to us. Without the help of Korea Zinc, our children would not have been able to have an exciting and fresh experience called the Huddling Youth Chorus Festival. Korea Zinc has given dreams and hopes to many multicultural youth and is making a great contribution to the Republic of Korea in the age of multiculturalism. We all really appreciate it.

Creating a better world

Korea Zinc supports the livelihoods of those in need through social welfare organizations such as Korea Habitat, Korean Red Cross, and Fruit of Love. So far, Korea Zinc has helped neighbors in need by donating 30 billion won worth of the Fruit of Love to the charity, and sparingly investing 6 billion won every year in welfare for children and the elderly and housing support. Recently, Korea Zinc actively participated in the ‘Hope 2021 Sharing Campaign’ by donating 3 billion won to the Fruit of Love.

The Onsan refinery is also donating 150 million won annually to Korea Habitat to help the socially disadvantaged, and also making a huge donation to the Korean Red Cross in Ulsan, making ceaseless efforts for the development of the local community.

Korea Zinc and its people are continuously practicing social contribution to create a society that shares warm feelings by looking at neighbors in various parts of society.