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Energy that nurtures tomorrow, the dream of clean energy
2022-01-23Energy that nurtures tomorrow, the dream of clean energy

Clean energy for an eco-friendly society
Recently, as the surface temperature of the earth is rising due to greenhouse gases, environmental problems such as climate change are occurring. To respond to these environmental changes, global interest in clean energy has increased. Clean energy refers to energy that does not emit pollutants to the outside during combustion.
Global interest, Clean Energy

President Biden has said that by 2035 the United States will invest about $2 trillion in clean energy and will be carbon neutral by 2050. This is a huge investment, and it is expected that more accelerated eco-friendly policies will come out. The United States has announced that it will supply 1,000 hydrogen charging stations and 1 million hydrogen electric vehicles by 2030, mainly in California.
이미지 출처 / 연합뉴스The European Union announced its hydrogen strategy in July 2020 and said it would expand the infrastructure for green hydrogen. The EU plans to actively increase its clean energy base by 2030 to produce up to 10 million tons of green hydrogen. Through the ‘Energy Initiative 2010’, Germany has set targets to respond to energy and climate change in stages by 2050 and has announced a plan to build a total of 10 GW of green hydrogen infrastructure by 2040 and to reduce primary energy demand by 50% (compared to 2008) by 2050.
The UK has established a ‘clean growth strategy’ for the realization of low carbon and is presenting the policy direction to be achieved by 2050.
The last word of clean energy, Hydrogen
Among the various energies of clean energy, hydrogen is the ultimate clean energy source that exists abundantly on Earth. Hydrogen, energy that accounts for more than 70% of the universe, is extracted from compounds such as water and natural gas, and is produced by decomposing natural gas with high-temperature and high-pressure steam or decomposing water with electricity. Hydrogen produced by converting electricity used in this production process into renewable energy is called ‘Green Hydrogen’.

Another clean energy source, wind
Korea Zinc’s efforts for 100% clean energy

Korea Zinc will lead the way for 100% clean energy by creating circular economic value by constantly striving for a virtuous cycle of resources and expanding clean energy without only seeking immediate profits. Korea Zinc’s preemptive efforts will serve as a foundation and strength to become a more sustainable company.