EAF Dust
What is EAF dust?
EAF dust is a byproduct generated during the recycling of scrap iron in electric arc furnaces (EAF). It is considered industrial waste and contains heavy metals, as well as valuable metals like zinc and iron powder.

Korea Zinc’s Green Efforts to Recycle ‘EAF Dust’
EAF dust generated in Korea amounts to approximately 400,000 tons per year. Korea Zinc is making ceaseless efforts to solve social problems arising from industrial waste such as EAF dust. Through its subsidiary, STEELCYCLE Corporation, Korea Zinc has been manufacturing crude zinc oxide (HZO) containing valuable metals since 2011, utilizing EAF dust recycling technology. This crude zinc oxide is supplied as a raw material for zinc production. Additionally, STEELCYCLE produces Direct Reduced Iron (DRI), a key raw material for steel manufacturing, and provides it as an industrial resource. Korea Zinc's ongoing efforts to recycle various types of raw materials, including crude zinc oxide, are aimed at creating a resource circulation system that links steelmaking to smelting and smelting back to steelmaking.

Goal of Korea Zinc Using Various Secondary Materials
Korea Zinc has been actively seeking optimal ways to transform by-products into valuable resources and minimize the environmental impact that occurs during the mineral mining process with differentiated methods, processes, and advanced technology. Korea Zinc has made continuous efforts to establish a resource circulation system between industries by utilizing secondary raw materials. The company will continue to take the lead in protecting the environment and creating sustainable future values, while further expanding green influence.