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Korea Zinc is recognized for its superior quality and
competitive edge in the global market.

Quality Management System Standard

ISO 9001

Korea Zinc acquired ISO 9002 certification for fine chemicals in November of 1996 with the goal of continuous customer satisfaction and a globally competitive non-ferrous metal smelter. In 2001, Korea Zinc acquired ISO 9001 certification in all areas of non-ferrous metals and chemical products, such as zinc, lead, gold, silver, copper, bismuth, and electronic sulfuric acid. In February of 2018, the company completed the conversion of the 2015 version of ISO 9001 certification, which introduced ‘Risk-Based Thinking (RBT)’, and Korea Zinc is striving to achieve steady achievement in the rapidly changing market environment.

World-Class Product Certificate

Korea Zinc's Zinc Ingot, based on the world's best technology accumulated over a long period of time, has focused on sales of high value-added alloy products rather than SHG ingots, where market competition is intensifying, and as a result, Korea Zinc has an edge in market share and recognition in the global market. As a result, in 2002, it was designated as a world-class product with the world's largest market share and is recognized for its superior quality and competitive edge in the world.