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Korea Zinc shares the brand values and future vision of the company

Korea Zinc’s future ideal employees


Korea Zinc’s future ideal employees


Let me introduce Korea Zinc’s ideal employees.
The HR department underwent a major
overhaul of the recruitment system in 2021.
How have we revolutionized our recruitment system?
Let me show you the process in 3 steps!

An interview with the employees

In-depth interviews were conducted with the head office and Onsan refinery executives and employees to investigate the unique characteristics of our company and what essential competencies our employees should have. As a result, immersion/creation/communication were mentioned the most frequently.

Defining competencies and establishing rules of conduct

Immersion, creation, and communication were clearly defined and specific behavioral principles are grouped into three categories.

  • Ideal Employees who passionately immerse themselves in small tasks and know the joy of challenges

    – expand even small ideas, materialize, and put into action.
    – immerse themselves in their work to the best of abilities, and proves their efforts through performance
    – are willing to try again without being discouraged by failure with belief in themselves and positive thinking
  • Ideal Employees who can continuously learn and lead innovation with a new perspective

    – Accurately understand the core of the problem from the overall perspective and suggest specific solutions.
    – are curious about new and diverse fields, learn from them, and seek development and innovation from them.
    – boldly pursue change regardless of existing practices.
  • Ideal Employees who respect diversity and lead flexible communication and collaboration

    – express their opinions honestly and clearly, discuss logically and then compromise. .
    – respect, consider, and cooperate to achieve common goals.
    – understand the roles and goals of themselves and their colleagues, maintain reasonable relationships and communicate flexibly to achieve goals together.

Recruitment based on image of qualified employee of company

Starting with the recruitment of new employees with college graduates in 2021, the new image of qualified employee of company was used as the criterion for screening. Let’s meet the immersive, creative, and communicative newly hired employees.

인사팀 배한비

Bae Hanbi
in the HR department

Ideal Employees who passionately immerse themselves in small tasks and know the joy of challenges

When I find improvements for a certain problem, I try to implement it concretely rather than just thinking about it. It is thanks to my passionate immersion.

Ideal Employees who can continuously learn and lead innovation with a new perspective

There is definitely something to learn through experience. I not only studied my major, but also took on a challenge in the small export business. I have tried various part-time jobs such as a car test driver, construction site workers, and observatory guides. In hindsight, all of my experiences have been the driving force for my growth.
원료3팀 현도훈

Hyun Do-Hoon
in raw materials team 3

개발연구1팀 배상우

Bae Sang-woo
in Development Research Team 1

Ideal Employees who respects diversity and leads flexible communication and collaboration

When I was an undergraduate, as a head of the student council’s science department, I hosted an annual engineering college event. It’s my pleasure to set goals, to keep in touch with each other and to coordinate opinions. I also would like to create good results through communication at Korea Zinc.

The future of KZ, where all employees strive to become ideal employees suitable for the times, What could be more convincing evidence than this? Korea Zinc’s story of talented and ideal people who create innovation and the future will continue.