KZ Story
Korea Zinc shares the brand values and future vision of the company
Getting to know each other
2022-03-14Getting to know each other
Have you ever heard the term “silo effect”? The Organizational Silos Effect refers to a phenomenon in which organizational departments do not cooperate with each other and seek only internal profits. If this continues, the overall profits of the organization will be negatively affected. It’s like an invisible virus.
How can we solve this dreadful silo? The answer is ‘knowing each other well’. When you know what your colleagues are doing, you can understand and empathize, and even collaborate with each other. Let’s take a look at what KZ people do.
Lighting the world like zinc, Sales Team 1
Sales Department 1 consists of the joint sales teams of the two companies, Korea Zinc and Youngpoong Zinc
Korea Zinc Sales Team 1’s clients are mostly small and medium-sized enterprises, and 42 client companies are included among the entire team.
“Since we do not simply sell zinc, we need to understand the production process of the customer to sell the optimal zinc product for it. As technical development cooperation with the customer is also required, certain level of knowledge across industries where zinc is used required. However, you cannot know everything in advance, so if you are in charge of certain work, you have to study a lot on your own and learn a lot from your teammates and customers in charge.”
Excellent for multitasking, General affairs team
The general affairs team works to support internally and externally of the company so that all employees can do their jobs better.
We asked staff Joo Young-Jun of the general affairs team what skills are most needed for work.
“Multitasking skills. Not only internal and external tasks, but also different tasks must be performed simultaneously. As I work with various teams, it would be nice if I could get along with other employees well.”
Staff Joo Young-Jun expressed his aspirations for the work. “There are various tasks, but under the guidance of the team leader, all employees perform their duties diligently and work responsibly.”
So far, we have looked at the work of the Sales Team 1 and the General Affairs Team. Are you curious about what other departments do? Interviews from each department are published every month. We look forward to the new cooperation of Korea Zinc people who become ‘we’ from ‘me’ while getting to know each other’s work!