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Korea Zinc shares the brand values and future vision of the company

Creating a warm workplace


Creating a warm workplace


‘Psychological stability’ at work is very significant. A recent study found that psychological well-being plays an important role in not only overcoming the challenges faced by thousands of employees working in different locations, but also in effectively using conflict and bridging diversity among team members. (Organization Without Fear, Dasan Books, Amy Edmondson)

In a psychologically stable working environment, employees do not react very sensitively to their colleagues, and even though they had never met in person, they expressed their thought and feeling honestly.

Now, let’s take a look at the three representative activities of Korea Zinc to create a stable and warm workplace!

Creating a warm workplace 1.
Big Questions Project

The Big Question Project is to collect valuable opinions from employees and carry out a new mission every time. It continues as a series.

We have hosted various events from to find out what employees are doing to make Korea Zinc a better place to work and spread a good influence to their families and neighbors to in commemoration of the 47th anniversary of the founding of Korea Zinc, <[Blank] Contest> to find out what Korea Zinc is to me and what I am to Korea Zinc, and relay of messages of support between colleagues to overcome the covid-19 crisis

The Big Question Project will continue!

Creating a warm workplace 2.
Cheering Relay in Covid-19 pandemic .

The covid-19 pandemic continues as if it will never end. There were times when we were exhausted and there were hard times, but because of each other, we were able to overcome it. In the new year of 2022, how about looking at witty messages of support and gaining strength from each other? We will be able to go together more vigorously in the future!

We only need three things.

One, A delightful photo that will make you smile just by looking at it!
Two, A message of strong support that warms the heart!
Third, Love for Korea Zinc and Korea Zinc people!

It’s not as difficult as you think, right?

A warm workplace 3.
Nowadays, we are…

Let’s share the daily stories of each employee. It is the beginning of a warm workplace, an organizational culture where you can freely share your thoughts from everyday stories.
  • Express gratitude for teacher’s grace,

    “Thank you for your kindness!” / Lee, Min-woo in the HR department

    Hello, I’m Lee, Min-woo from the HR department. I feel a little ashamed to talk about my life experiences and relationship in front of many seniors. Nevertheless, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.

  • Also share good relationships that have had a positive influence on our lives.

    “You are the person who gives me happiness” / Ha Ji-hyun in General affairs team

    “I think that a good relationship is ultimately what you make yourself. I commend myself for my little courage when I applied to the student council activities. Because of them, I had a happy time, and I can endure difficult times like now. For those who give me happiness, I also want to be the person who gives happiness forever.”

  • Promote the attractiveness of domestic travel

    “Does a trip require a special course?” / Sales Team 3 Lee Jae-sun

    “The most common places to go are rental cottages. The advantage is that you can stay overnight in a nice area and go together with several people at a relatively low price, and you can enjoy various activities at nearby tourist attractions. If you go glamping, don’t forget to space out while staring at the fire.”

Employees’ daily sharing will continue through the company newsletter and in-house activities, but don’t forget that the warmest daily sharing is in the office and the work place!