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Cyber Audit

Cyber Audit

Cyber Audit

Reporting targets: Unethical behavior, abuse of power, violations of fair trade
After the Audit Team confirms the content of the report, they will respond via e-mail.
If the data is inaccurate or the report is false, it may not be processed, so please write the content in detail.
Korea Zinc promises that under no circumstances will the whistleblower's personal information or the content of the report be leaked.
However, please specify the whistleblower's email address to notify the results of the Audit Team's investigation.
For inconveniences or inquiries about products or services, please use the Customer Customer Voice on the website.

  • 1. Items of personal information collected

    - Email

  • 2. Purposes of personal information collection and use

    - Email: Establishment of communication channels for responding to inquiries

  • 3. Retention period of personal information

    - Entered personal information will be used for query analysis and statistical purposes, with a maximum retention period of up to 5 years. Upon expiration of the retention period, data will be promptly destroyed.
    Additionally, if a user requests the deletion of their personal information, Korea Zinc will proceed with the deletion without delay and provide notification of the results.